
指導單位: WNBF 世界自然健美協會
主辦單位: WNBF 香港自然健美協會


開幕時間: 11/7/2025,10:00 AM 舉行,敬請全體參加。
比賽時間: 11/7/2025,開幕典禮結束即進行各量級比賽。

因應國際賽事之準備,過磅時間提前一天,讓參與選手有更充足時間補充碳水與營養, 使肌肉線條展現並增加比賽水準。逾時未過磅以棄權論。


  • 11/7/2025 :Pro Figure / Pro Bikini
  • 12/7/2025 :Pro Men’s Bodybuilding
  • 13/7/2025 :Pro Men‘s Physique


裁  判:由本會 WNBF 聘請國內外合格裁判擔任之。
競賽規則:採用最新 WNBF 國際自然健美健身總會比賽規則。



  1. 必須是WNBF職業運動員
  2. 必須持有有效的職業卡


  1. 報名時間 : 自即日起至 1/6/2025(Sun)截止。
  2. 報名辦法 : 一律採用網路報名,可至 WNBF 香港官方網站、粉絲專頁或IG連結報名資訊進行線上報名。
  3. 如因不可抗因素造成比賽日期及場地異動,將在官網公告,並各別通知參賽者。
  4. 本賽事報名後恕不接受退費 


  1. 請依填寫協會報名表,個人報名費賽事費用為:
    1. 即日起至 1/6/2025前截止,職業賽報名費用 US$250
    2. 教練證每張費用 US$125。
  2. 會員資格 : 每位運動員必須在報名賽事之前註冊獲得 2025年 WNBF總會職業運動員資格。
  3. 裁判會議:10/7/2025  4:30PM
  4. 選手報到:10/7/2025  10:00AM - 4:00PM
  5. 測謊規定:基於正當 WNBF 世界自然健美世界總會程序之公平公正賽事要求,所有報到符合資格參賽選手需依序進行測謊檢查,參賽選手須先繳交測謊費用US$60,由專業測謊人員實行儀器測謊鑑定(約30分鐘),各區域可安排測謊時間將在近期公告。請參賽選手於大會安排時間內完成測謊 (逾時未測謊以棄權論)。
  6. 本賽事報名後恕不接受退費。


  1. 選手現場報到測量身高、過磅時間 (發放號碼):2025年7月10日。(選手須繳驗身分證明正本及確認表演音樂)。
  2. 開幕時間:11/7/2025舉行,敬請全體參賽選手屆時參加開幕典禮。
  3. 裁判:由本會聘請國家級以上的裁判員擔任裁判,競賽相關行政業務由裁判員擔任之。
  4. 裁判:由本會聘請國家級以上的裁判員擔任裁判,競賽相關行政業務由裁判員擔任之。
  5. 男子選手必須穿著乾淨無不雅之健美褲,禁止穿短褲、內褲或泳褲。
  6. 女子選手必須穿著無不雅之比基尼健美衣褲。
  7. 新秀組報名條件:不曾參加過國內、外的任何健美、健體相關比賽,如經查證違反規定者,將取消比賽及得獎資格。
  8. 為維護場地清潔,參賽選手請依照WNBF 國際自然健美健身總會國際賽標準辦理, 禁止使用非規定之膚色劑、嬰兒油等油脂類塗抹劑。膚色劑使用不油、不掉色、無亮粉即可。
  9. 表演音樂:請參賽選手自備,並請參賽選手將表演音樂請Email 至 [email protected]。(檔名請加註  A. 參賽選手姓名  B. 比賽量級)。
  10. 競賽規則:採用最新國際 WNBF 自然健美比賽規則。
  11. 過磅登記: 在所有WNBF (世界自然健美協會認可之賽會,須有裁判長管制,且依下列進行)。
    1. 所有選手,無論其量級,皆須出席過磅登記,其通常為比賽前二天。任何選手如無法在指定時間參加過磅登記,將被剔除於競賽外。選手最遲應於10/7/2025,比賽前一天完成過磅。因應國際賽事之準備,過磅時間提前一天,讓參與選手有更充足時間補充碳水與營養, 使肌肉線條展現並增加比賽水準。逾時未過磅以棄權論。
    2. 所有選手,無論其過磅與否,皆須穿著與其即將參加比賽服裝,以便裁判能確認其參賽服裝符合國際WNBF自然健美賽事之標準。
    3. 所有選手在過磅時登記時須攜帶下列文件證明:(至少一種)
      • 香港人須持有證明身分之文件。 
      • 外籍人士持有效之護照。 
      • 國籍文件(例:出生證明) 
      • 駐地移民或合法居住證明。
  12. 選手比賽頒獎完後, WNBF  香港及 WNBF 裁判委員會將立即對各項目及各量級之第一、第二、第三名選手進行尿液檢測,第四、五名選手採隨機檢測。若尿液檢測結果不符合大會規定,將會取消得獎資格並收回頒發之獎牌、職業卡。
  13. 接受藥物檢測之選手,必須讓大會無條件公開藥檢報告,使得貫徹本協會公平公正公開之決心。
  14. 當過磅登記時,WNBF 香港 之裁判委員會應決定順序,由此選手出列於裁判前。裁判秘書或助理,應發給每一選手牌; 此號碼牌須置於競賽短褲或比基尼左側,且須於賽時從頭至尾配戴。
  15. 選手必須接受測謊,如測謊未通過者,則由大會決定是否讓該選手出賽。未接受測謊者,一律不得出賽。
  16. 大會熱身區僅提供簡易熱身器材,不足之器材請選手自備。
  17. 請保持現場環境、牆壁、場內桌子、椅子清潔,勿將身體比賽膚色劑沾染場地,並維持環境整潔。若造成場地污損,請個人現場清潔、恢復。
  18. 比賽時間,選手可參考秩序冊比賽項目時間依序準備,並依照現場工作人員指示至熱身區與報到準備區候位,若個人離開比賽會場經現場工作人員唱名3次未到者視同放棄比賽權益。
  19. 因應個人資料保護法「所填報名參加本賽事之個人資料,僅供本賽事相關用途使用」。
  20. 若測謊或藥檢未通過者,本協會處以終身禁賽。
  21. 若藥檢未通過者,本協會處以終身禁賽,並公開該選手藥檢報告。
  22. 主辦單位有權隨時修改競賽規章及其內容,並公告於  WNBF  香港網站中,不再另行通知個別參賽者。參賽者參賽,即視為同意遵守本簡章所有規範,倘參賽者不願遵守,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格,參賽者不得異議。若有任何爭議,主辦單位擁有最終決定權。

Including information about check-in and weigh-in from athletes as well as judging criteria

Schedule of the Event

Directed By: WNBF
Organizer : WNBF Hong Kong
Co-organizer: PTPRO FITNESS

Check-In Date : July 10, 2025: 10/7/2025

Competition Dates: July 11, 2025 – July 13, 2025
Opening Ceremony: July 11, 2025, at 10:00 AM. All participants are requested to attend.

Competition Time: July 11, 2025, immediately following the conclusion of the opening ceremony, competitions for all categories will commence.

※ Weigh-in Deadline:
Athletes must complete their weigh-in no later than the day before the competition.
To align with international competition standards, the weigh-in has been scheduled one day earlier to allow participants sufficient time for carbohydrate and nutrient replenishment, ensuring optimal muscle definition and enhanced performance. Failure to complete the weigh-in on time will be considered a forfeiture.

Schedule of the Event

11/7/2025:Pro Figure / Pro Bikini

12/7/2025:Pro Men’s Bodybuilding

13/7/2025:Pro Men‘s Physique

Judges and Competition Rules

  • Judges : 
    Qualified judges from both domestic and international levels will be appointed by WNBF.
  • Competition Rules : 
    The latest competition rules of the WNBF International Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation will be applied.


  1. WNBF Professional Athlete Status:Participants must hold the status of a WNBF Professional Athlete.
  2. Valid Pro Card Requirement:Participants are required to possess a valid WNBF Professional Card.

Registration Rules

  1. Registration Period :
    From now until June 1, 2025 (Sunday).
  2. Registration Method :
    All registrations must be completed online. Participants can register through the WNBF Hong Kong official website, Facebook page, or Instagram link provided.
  3. Changes Due to Unforeseen Circumstances :
    In the event of changes to the competition date or venue due to unforeseen circumstances, announcements will be made on the official website, and participants will be individually notified.
  4. Refund Policy :
    No refunds will be issued after registration.

Registration Procedures

  1. Registration Fee :
    Participants must complete the association’s registration form. The competition registration fees are:
    1. Professional Competition Registration Fee: US$250 (Deadline: June 1, 2025)
    2. Coaching Certificate Fee: US$125 per certificate.
  2. Membership Requirement :  
    All athletes must register and obtain their 2025 WNBF Professional Athlete Membership prior to registering for the competition.
  3. Judges’ Meeting : 
    Date: July 10, 2025
    Time: 4:30 PM
  4. Athlete Check-In :
    Date: July 10, 2025
    Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  5. Polygraph Testing : 
    • To ensure fairness and compliance with WNBF international standards, all eligible athletes must undergo polygraph testing.
    • Polygraph Fee: US$60, payable at check-in.
    • The polygraph test will be conducted by certified professionals using proper equipment and will take approximately 30 minutes.
    • The schedule for polygraph testing in different regions will be announced soon. Athletes must complete the polygraph test within the designated time set by the organizers. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  6. Refund Policy : No refunds will be issued after registration.

Competition Regulations

  1. Athlete Check-In, Height Measurement, and Weigh-In (Number Assignment):
    Scheduled for July 10, 2025. Athletes must present a valid ID and confirm their performance music during check-in.
  2. Opening Ceremony:
    Scheduled for July 11, 2025. All participants are required to attend the opening ceremony.
  3. Competition Date:July 11, 2025.
  4. Judges:
    Judges will be appointed by the organization and will hold national-level or higher qualifications. Competition-related administrative tasks will also be managed by the judges.
  5. Men’s Attire Requirements:
    Male athletes must wear clean, modest posing trunks. The wearing of shorts, underwear, or swimwear is strictly prohibited.
  6. Women’s Attire Requirements:
    Female athletes must wear modest and appropriate bikini fitness attire.
  7. Eligibility for Novice Category:
    Athletes registering for the novice category must not have participated in any domestic or international bodybuilding or fitness-related competitions. If any violation of this rule is confirmed, the athlete will be disqualified from the competition and any awards received will be revoked.
  8. Venue Cleanliness and Tanning Rules:
    To maintain venue cleanliness, athletes must adhere to the international competition standards set by WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation). The use of unauthorized tanning products, baby oil, or other oil-based substances is strictly prohibited. Only tanning products that are non-greasy, non-transferable, and free of glitter are permitted.
  9. Performance Music:
    Athletes must provide their own performance music. Please email the performance music to [email protected].
    The file name must include:
    1. Athlete’s name
    2. Competition category
  10. Competition Rules:
    The latest WNBF International Natural Bodybuilding Competition Rules will be applied.
  11. 11. Weigh-In Registration:
    All weigh-ins for WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) sanctioned competitions must be supervised by the head judge and conducted according to the following guidelines:
    1.  Mandatory Attendance:
      All athletes, regardless of their weight class, must attend the weigh-in, typically held two days before the competition. Athletes who fail to attend the weigh-in at the designated time will be disqualified from the competition. The latest weigh-in deadline is July 10, 2025, one day prior to the competition. To align with international competition standards, the weigh-in has been scheduled earlier to provide athletes with sufficient time for carbohydrate and nutrient replenishment, allowing for optimal muscle definition and enhanced competition performance. Failure to complete the weigh-in on time will result in disqualification.
    2. Competition Attire Verification:
      All athletes, regardless of whether they are being weighed in or not, must wear their competition attire during the weigh-in. This allows judges to verify that the attire complies with international WNBF natural bodybuilding competition standards.
    3. Required Documentation:
      Athletes must provide at least one of the following valid identification documents during weigh-in registration:
      • For Hong Kong residents: Proof of identity.
      • For foreign nationals: Valid passport.
      • Nationality documents (e.g., birth certificate).
      • Immigration or legal residency documents.
  12. 12. Post-Competition Drug Testing:
    After the competition awards ceremony, WNBF Hong Kong and the WNBF Judging Committee will conduct immediate urine testing on the first-, second-, and third-place finishers in each event and weight class. Random urine testing will also be conducted on the fourth- and fifth-place finishers. If any urine test results fail to meet the competition’s standards, the athlete’s award, professional card, and any issued medals will be revoked.
  13. Drug Test Reports:
    Athletes subjected to drug testing must unconditionally allow the event organizers to publicly disclose the test results, demonstrating the association’s commitment to fairness, impartiality, and transparency.
  14. Weigh-In Number Assignment:
    During weigh-in registration, the WNBF Hong Kong Judging Committee will determine the sequence of athletes for their appearance before the judges. The secretary or assistant will provide each athlete with a number badge. This badge must be placed on the left side of the competition shorts or bikini and worn throughout the entire competition.
  15. Polygraph Testing:
    All athletes must undergo a polygraph test. Athletes who fail the test may be disqualified from the competition at the discretion of the organizers. Athletes who refuse to take the polygraph test will not be allowed to compete.
  16. Warm-Up Area:
    The competition warm-up area will only provide basic equipment for warm-up purposes. Athletes are encouraged to bring their own equipment if needed.
  17. Venue Cleanliness:
    Athletes are required to maintain the cleanliness of the venue, including walls, tables, chairs, and other areas. Competition tanning products must not stain the venue. Any damage or stains caused must be cleaned and restored by the individual athlete on-site.
  18. Competition Timing:
    Athletes should refer to the event schedule for the timing of their respective events and prepare accordingly. Athletes must follow the instructions of the staff to proceed to the warm-up and check-in areas. If an athlete leaves the competition venue and fails to report after being called three times, they will be deemed to have forfeited their right to compete.
  19. Personal Data Protection:
    In compliance with personal data protection laws, all personal information submitted during registration will be used exclusively for purposes related to this competition.
  20. Lifetime Ban for Failed Tests:
    Athletes who fail either the polygraph or drug test will face a lifetime ban from participating in WNBF events.
  21. Public Disclosure of Failed Drug Tests:
    Athletes who fail the drug test will face a lifetime ban, and their drug test reports will be publicly disclosed.
  22. Organizer’s Rights and Final Authority:
    The organizers reserve the right to modify the competition rules and details at any time. Any updates will be announced on the WNBF Hong Kong website without individual notification to participants. By participating in the competition, athletes are deemed to have agreed to abide by all the rules and regulations outlined in this document. If any participant refuses to comply, the organizers reserve the right to cancel their eligibility to compete, and no objections will be accepted. In case of disputes, the organizers retain the final decision-making authority.